Sunday, May 20, 2007

Dear United States: What on earth are you doing?

BBC NEWS Entertainment Moore courts Cannes controversy

So Michael Moore made a movie about the American healthcare system. And he filmed part of it in Cuba. Specifically, he took 9/11 rescuers to Guantanamo to compare the healthcare detainees receive.

And now he's being threatened with jail time and the confiscation of his film for going to Cuba without a permit.

Question: do the American authoritites read newspapers? Like, ever? Do they not have internet access? Because they appear to be ignorant of a few key facts, like the fact that everyone else thinks they're bizarre ban on Cuba is childish, or that silencing a film-maker for criticizing the health care system is Taliban-esque.

They just keep digging that hole...


Sarah L Boyd said...

Cuban enough for the constitution to not apply *sigh* Oooh, that reminds me to post the vid of Senator Leahy freaking out on Alberto Gonzalez...

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